Tuesday, April 30, 2019
The expression of human feelings Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The demeanor of human feelings - Essay ExampleWithout rejecting the role of fiery films and readings in the development of aggressive behaviour, Jones notes that for children the involvement in - imaginary - violent activities is rather beneficial than catastrophic under the terms highlighted in the particular article. The views of Jones on the potential benefits of violence for the psychology of children are presented to the public using a specific methodology the large reference to the writers personal experiences in various forms and dates, from his childhood up today in regard to the issue under discussion. More specifically, in the beginning of the article, reference is made to the writers personal experiences in his childhood and emphasis is given on the fact that Marvel comics in particular lift helped the writer to face his fears for socializing and taking initiatives. In the writers adulthood, Marvel comics, helped him to make an countenance choice in terms of pro fession and become a writer moreover, it is noted that the reading of comics with violent scenes helped the writers son to overcome his fear for getting involved in risky games (such as the climbing of a tree). Furthermore, Jones refers to the views of Melanie Moore, a psychologist who has worked in the specific field the writer also describes the findings of the look into he made himself having worked with children who faced behavioural problems. The methodology used by Jones regarding the presentation and the support of his views can be characterized as effective, having the advantage of the personal testimony on the issues involved. However, the writer does not refer to relevant findings of the belles-lettres meaning the findings of the empirical interrogation developed by researchers in regard to the specific issue no reference is made to statistics or to the studies of academic researchers on the particular subject. Moreover, it could be argued that the interpretation of the findings of his research is influenced by his personal perceptions especially his personal experiences, as described in the introductory paragraphs of his article. At this point, the credibility of the research of Jones could be doubted. In this context, it could be argued that Jones has not achieved to persuade the readers on the validity of the views promoted through his article referring especially to the potential existence of benefits from offering to the children access to readings and scenes that promote violence. The above view is further analyzed below. At this point, the ideas promoted through the article of Jones should be criticized and evaluated. The use of violent readings (comics, books and so on) or of films/ games which include violent scenes as a tool for helping the natural aggression of children to be expressed should be re-considered. The findings of relevant research provided by Jones may lead to the assumption that such practice is effective for control ling the anger of children, however it is not guaranteed that the opposite results can be avoided. Moreover, each child has different perceptions on the notion of placidity and violence being influenced by the conditions in the family environment. The provision of access to the children to readings and games that refer to violent scenes could negatively
Monday, April 29, 2019
Fair Value Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
light Value - Essay ExampleThus, the AASB framework provides the general guidelines, establishing the way a company should measure completely its assets. The aim of the act is to avoid inconsistency of the various methods of measuring fair judge, providing a to a greater extent blind drunk framework, for all companies. Thus, the market value of any current asset will be measured by the replacement cost of the services or benefits currently embodied in the asset.One very repugn and problematic point concerned the market value of different assets that werent commonly traded on the open market, such as buildings or other possessions of this nature. The conclusion reached by the AASB researchers and specialists was that the stovepipe way to measure the market value of such assets would be by comparing the selling-prices of other buildings in the area. Although controversial at first, this rule was, seemingly, the best one to follow in establishing the potential selling price of an y asset held by a company.The concepts of current assets and current liabilities are also defined by AASB, as being an asset that is pass judgment to mature or be realized within a 12 month period, part current liabilities are those liabilities that are expected to be paid, settled or extinguished within a period equal to or less than 12 months from the reporting date.FASB and IASB dialog box members met on twelfth of May, 2006 to discuss and establish the revenue recognition methods that should be used. In doing so, there were some factors that had to be adjudge as important to the recognition of any revenue. First on the list was client acceptance, which lead, after complete(a) examination and in-depth discussions, to the conclusion thatRevenue shall be recognized if the customer must accept performance to date. That is, the contracts lawful remedy for breach is, or is like, specific performance or in the event of customer cancellation, the customer is obligated to pay damag es reflecting performance to date. (see http//www.fasb.org/board_meeting_minutes/04-27-06_rr.pdf)Were hoping that there will be more consistency in the way companies approach fair value measurement, and less diversity in practice from the users perspective. Users should have more confidence that when they look at those disclosures about what is being shown at fair value and the methods used, theyll have erupt information to use to assess the quality of earnings and how they view the reliability of the estimates being made., stated FASB board member, Leslie F. Seidman (Glenn Cheney, FASB standard clarifies fair value measurement, 16 Oct, 2006,). From this point of view, the AASB framework provides rigorous guidelines, avoiding misunderstanding and inconsistency. Still, as all regulations were changed and revised, many companies complain that they have a difficult time in applying them, and that many criteria provided by this statement have been so frequently changed and discussed th at the danger of misinterpreting or failing to respect the newest changes is real and unattainable to ignore.Given the fact that the market value is mainly based
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Engineering Managment Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Engineering Managment - Coursework ExampleThe guild was founded by John Cadbury in the stratum 1824. It is presently headquartered at Uxbridge, London, United Kingdom and operates in more than 50 countries of the world (Prinz, 2012). Since the time of its inception, the ac fellowship has been growing at a rapid pace and the reason behind its continued success is its unsnarl strategies, plans, goals and objectives. The company has been operating in the market for almost 200 years. Despite economic crises that have touch on the world from time to time, the company is still standing strong in the market. Moreover, the company has perpetually likewise remained foc theatrical roled on its mission, objectives and strategies. However, the company has faced some kind of issues in the form of PR crisis and monetary crisis. To deal with this, it is highly recommended that the company should reduce its operating cost and appoint a dedicated in the public eye(predicate) relations office r to oversee any public relations issue. Question 1 1.1 Cadburys on-line(prenominal) mission, objectives, and strategies Mission The core purpose of the company is to work together and create a brand which good deal love. The core mission of the company is to reach the world and become a leading company in the confectionary industry. Cadbury wants to be a part of peoples lives through their products. In addition, the companys mission is to eradicate pauperization in the areas of its operation and create a work environment which promotes work force diversity. Objectives The objectives of a company generally depend upon the business situations. Similarly, the business objectives of Cadbury have changed over the years according to the market situations. Cadbury has always relied on short term goals, rather than the long term objectives. However, their short term goals have changed on an average of 10 years. The objectives of the company are as follows - To open a Cadbury shop and in crease its profitability. To use new technology to increase the production. The company has been able to fulfil most of its objectives till now and the afoot(predicate) objective of the company is to maintain the level it has already reached. To provide high return to the shareholders. To achieve gross and gross sales growth. Strategies The strategy of the company to achieve its goals is very much straight front. The business strategy of the company is to tap new markets for its products and increase its profitability. Nevertheless, since most of the products of the company are sold all over the world, it has develop a two-pronged growth strategy, which is dependent upon the cash flow of the company. In addition, the company is also looking forward to new channels of product distribution in order to increase sales. Since, 70 % of the total sales of the company come from impulse purchase that is why the company is also targeting restaurants, pubs and petrol stations to cheat the ir products. Apart from the mission statements, strategies and objective the organizational culture of
Saturday, April 27, 2019
The Economist Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
The economic expert - Essay ExampleThe main publications and services offered by the economist allow in The Economist newspaper, The Economist online, Economist intelligence unit, Economist Conferences, Economist Corporate Network, The World In and gifted Life along with many other government and financial brands, a well represented expression of the fact that this newspaper that had merely 6,000 copies circulated in 1920, has expanded its operations widely by keeping up with the demands of the modern times (The Economist Group, Our Brands). Unlike many of its peers, who suffered immensely by the global recession of 2008/09, The Economist has been able to report a steady growth every year. In the year 2011, the Economist has account an increase of 10% in its profits whereas its revenue grew by 9% as compared to the last year. much(prenominal) an increase in profit has led to the 10% increase in the dividend s to the shareholders in the year 2011 as compared to that of last ye ar and the credit has been given to their advertising recovery along with increased investments in their brands, which led to an increase in their print as well as e-circulations (The Economist Group, Press Releases 2011). ... The Economist always had pride in targeting the smart and the palmy of the lot as their target market and it was successful too, The Economist was and is always considered as a status symbol for the respective target market yet in July 2009, the Economist launched a whole new approach to its marketing strategies by targeting not only the smart and successful readers but the readers of the curious kind. The sudden change in the overall approach to the powder stores target market has turn up to be very beneficial for the company as the time manufacturing grows more competitive. It has helped the company in a consistent rise in the profitability and ensuring a positive return on the shareholders investments. According to the Porters Five Forces model, on t hat point are five main factors that contribute in determining the overall competitiveness of the cartridge holder assiduity (Hill et al, 2010). Every factor will be discussed separately Risk of entry by potential difference competitors The magazine The Economist competes both on the levels of print media and electronic media as with the passage of time the whole industry has moved to more electronic versions of distribution. Although the internet media creates both excitement and paranoia at The Economist, still the magazine has been act to maintain its individuality on the internet. Every article on the internet is always somehow related to any other article online, thus the same individuality that the magazine pertains on the print media has proven somewhat challenging. The magazine has introduced many new features online but to say that they havent reached their full potential will not be unjustified, whereas new emerging magazines are utilizing
Friday, April 26, 2019
Investigate working relationships within a services industry Essay
Investigate working relationships indoors a function industry context(hospitality mangement) - Essay ExampleHospitality Management is the administration of people and services that is essential in the tourism industries in all parts of the world (The Ohio soil University at Lima, n.d.). It is a multi-disciplinary major that provides proficiency and competence for the administration, marketing, and above standard operations skills in the accommodations, food, travel and other tourism services to people apart from their homes (Bureau of Economic Analysis, n.d. MyMajors, n.d.) whereby uninhibited application of irrefutable management theories and principles is implemented (Degree Directory, n.d. The Ohio State University at Lima, n.d.). It entails indisputable competence in the diverse features of a global business which is comprised of strategic planning, creation and construction, finance and marketing, administration, supervision and operations (MyMajors, n.d.).Hospitality manage rs usually concentrate on specific areas of specializations which cater to peculiar(a) functions. These could be human resources, food services, guest services and information systems. Nevertheless, top-level managers and executives should have an across-the-board knowledge and skills call for for the effective operations of various departments and how they draw together (Degree Directory, n.d.).The legacy began with the distinguished Swiss hotelier Cesar Ritz cognize as the King of hoteliers and hotelier to kings who valiantly changes the definition of luxury hotel experience in Europe. With his personal philosophy of service and innovation, he commenced the Ritz-Paris and Carlton-London during his time. As a consequence, since the time of its commencement, the Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C.more popularly known as The Ritzis one of the most progressive luxury hotel groups in the world. The first branch was the Ritz-Carlton in Boston, Massachusetts set kill on 1927
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Intellectual and Modern Property Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Intellectual and Modern Property - Essay ExampleThe protection afforded to intellectual spot has been deemed vital to protect innovation and creativity in society, because if this economic incentive is removed, then on that point go away be an erosion of the spur that propels the ingenuity and desire to create new works. Moreover, it protects the inventor from unscrupulous individuals who argon able to profit from the innovative elements in the work, while also protecting the chaste secures of an author to his suffer foundation.However, conflicts have also been generated through the evolution of the Internet which has facilitated digital copying and modification of previously created works. Moreover, the addition of the duration of protection for copyrighted and patented works has been contested as a measure that interferes with the common rights to fair use of material, especially for information and research purposes. Therefore, it has become difficult to strike an appropr iate residue between the protection of the rights of the creators of original works and the rights of the public.The question that will be examined in this research see is the extent to which IPR rights are a benefit to society. The economic incentive provided by IP rights to facilitate the creation of innovative works is undisputed and it also enables the propagation of wealth that is a benefit to society as a whole. Since it allows owners of copyrighted/patented works to earn more from their work, it also allows Government to increase taxes and improves the treasury so that Government programs can benefit weaker elements of society. It also enables an artist/creator to be protected from unscrupulous elements and thus affords some protection to the vulnerable elements in society.An author is also legally entitled to moral rights to his work, however, in practice, this has not been rigorously upheld in the UK, as demonstrated in further material that follows. The right to ownersh ip of property is the basis for a free and secure society, and by allowing ownership on patents, for example, there is also incentive provided to business to improve their investments.
Irish Law Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Irish Law - campaign Study Example3. Did the District Court err in not awarding compensation to the appellate for the injuries suffered by him that turned him in to a paraplegicSTATEMENT OF THE FACTSJames Naughton lost a hearty amount of money at the racetrack seeking solace he went to powers pub were he consumed pints of large and five double vodkas and redbull. The pub landlord knew him and offered him a lift home he refused (no attempt was made to rede him) he then walked the mile to were his car was located. He then operate off in try of more beer he was spotted driving erratically by several pedestrians and he then went to superMacs were he consumed a mighty mac meal. He then drove of to nellanys pub and parked his car instantaneously in front of the premises he was served one beer but was refused anymore frustrated he drove 15 miles were he knew there was more liquor he was driving a short exceed were he crashed into a wall his spinal cord was severed and he was render ed a paraplegic as a result of the crash He filed a court action alleging both pubs owed him a art of care because he was allowed to take on when drunk and was served alcohol when drunk. The second pub Nellanys agreed to a mysterious settlement, which cannot be stipulated for legal reasons. The actions against the commencement ceremony pub powers was dismissed on grounds that no legal assurance would extend such a duty on publicans.ARGUMENT1. heedlessness has two meanings in impartiality of torts i.e. Negligence as a sense modality of committing certain torts, e.g., negligently or carelessly committing trespass, nuisance or defamation. In this context it denotes the mental element, and Negligence is also considered as a separate tort. It means a conduct... He filed a court action alleging both pubs owed him a duty of care because he was allowed to drive when drunk and was served alcohol when drunk. The second pub Nellanys agreed to a confidential settlement, which cannot be stipulated for legal reasons. The actions against the first pub powers was dismissed on grounds that no legal authority would extend such a duty on publicans.1. Negligence has two meanings in law of torts i.e. Negligence as a mode of committing certain torts, e.g., negligently or carelessly committing trespass, nuisance or defamation. In this context it denotes the mental element, and Negligence is also considered as a separate tort. It means a conduct which creates a risk of causing damage, rather than a state of mind. The House of Lords in Donoghue v. Stevenson(1932) A.C. 562 treats negligence, where there is a duty to take care, as specific tort in itself, and not simply as an element is some more colonial relationship or in some specialized breach of duty Grant v. Australian Knitting Mills(1936)A.C.85. fit to Heaven v. Pender (1883) 11 Q.B.D.
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