Thursday, May 30, 2019
Reflective essays -- essays research papers
The classic tragedy, as defined by Aristotle, has six major parts. These parts include a plot, characters, theme, melody, spectacle, and language. All stories, according to Aristotle must have a beginning, middle, and end, and must follow a dianoetic sequence according to these six elements.The plot is the series of events, or sequence in which the action of the play occurs. speckle must follow a cause and effect relationship, which follows a logical pattern. Characters are the people in the play, who have certain qualities that can be fit(p) by what they say, do and what others say about them. The theme of the play is the general feeling or statement made by the author that presents an observation or thought to the audience. Melody is the musical quality of the play, which includes a change of pitch by the voice, musical instruments , and also includes the high and low points of the play giving it an boilers suit melodic quality. Spectacle includes the visual elements of the pl ay, anything that is observed by sight. Often in modern movies and plays spectacle can be overdone, especially if a reason for the spectacle cannot be found. Language is the negotiation or speech that makes up the story, and is used by characters to present the play to the audience.Aristotle lays out a very specific definition of what a tragedy should include, and how for each one element should be presented. He tells us that the tragedy must include these six elements and that they must be laid out in a logical manner. Aristotle sets up the framework for a tragedy that is used with or without the playwrights knowledge for innumerable classical and modern plays.3.A eagle-eyed with giving us the six elements of a tragedy, Aristotle also gives us four parts that should be included in a tragic hero. Sophocles character Oedipus is considered to be the classic framework of a tragic hero. This is attributed to the fact that Oedipus clearly demonstrates all four of the characteristics t hat make up the tragic hero as defined by Aristotle. According to Aristotle, the tragic hero must be a good, as well as great person. What this means is that he must hold high moral goals and ideals for himself as well as being of high or noble stature in society. The tragic hero must have a character flaw, this could be some excess or... ...ey may not be the first comedy, nor is it the sole creation of Homer, however these things are attributed to it, because it was the first to be written down.Odysseus is considered to be the quintessential comic hero. Even though he is of great stature, he represents every man or the common man. He is sent on a long journey by Poseidon where he must use his cunning and shrewdness to make his way home. Odysseus must come up with a scheme in order to regain his homeland. Mistaken identicalness and deliberate deception are often used together and are used throughout this epic. Mistaken identity is when a character believes they are seeing someone, but it is not really that person, adding an element of dramatic irony. Deliberate deception is very similar, but the character is intending to bewray others and often uses a disguise. These elements are used several times by Athena, who comes to mortals in the form of people around them. Odysseus also disguises himself as a mendicant when he gets back to Ithaca. Several elements of the modern comedy can be found in the Odyssey, and because of its home coming, or happy ending it is considered the first comedy.
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